Sunday, January 15, 2017

In Depth with the Nintendo Switch

  Hey there, I know it's been several days since I last blogged, but to be honest, I haven't had much that was newsworthy to share. I worked, got my car repaired, worked some more, spent some time with the family, and basically just did the day to day mundane tasks of life. As far as being online and working toward my goals for the year, I spent some time starting to plan out my streaming schedule and I've got a couple of ideas for blog posts in the works as well. However!! Today I do have some newsworthy information to share so here I am! Keep reading to hear my take on the Nintendo Switch!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Assassin's Creed Movie Review

The Assassin's Creed movie has been the recipient of a lot of negative reviews recently but I have yet to see much positivity surrounding it posted online, yet whenever I talk to someone they, like myself have really enjoyed the experience they were provided at the cinema. I found this to be somewhat unjust and thus I was compelled to provide my own review of the movie.

Friday, January 6, 2017

New Year, New Goals

Well everyone, here we are. 2017. A New Year and everyone is all about making New Year's Resolutions. I am not the sort who usually does that, however; having started YouTube I find I have a number of things that I would like to accomplish this year. So while I don't consider these my Resolutions per sé I do have several Personal Goals for myself this year.

10. Create a Twitch Schedule

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Contest Winners & Big News!

Sorry about the delay everyone! I've just picked the winners for my 3 giveaways!

The first Giveaway is the Massive FFXV Giveaway which includes a copy of Final Fantasy XV, The Collector's Edition Strategy Guide and a Digital Copy (via code) for A Kings Tale DLC. The winner for that is