Friday, January 6, 2017

New Year, New Goals

Well everyone, here we are. 2017. A New Year and everyone is all about making New Year's Resolutions. I am not the sort who usually does that, however; having started YouTube I find I have a number of things that I would like to accomplish this year. So while I don't consider these my Resolutions per sé I do have several Personal Goals for myself this year.

10. Create a Twitch Schedule

This is a pretty straightforward goal. I need to create a solid streaming schedule and stick to it!

9. Overhaul of my Twitch Layout & YouTube Channel.

I need to buckle down and decide how I want all my social media channels to look and create a nice clean professional look for it.

8. Merchandise Website

I'd really like to share some merchandise with my followers. Maybe Stickers? T-Shirts? Mugs? Pencils? There's an endless world of stuff out there. What would you like to see? I need to decide what I'm sharing and where to put it!

7. Keep this Blog Active

I need to stay accountable to this blog. I want to make sure I'm posting all the information I want my followers to know about here. I want to post Reviews for movies, and games. Did I love it? Like it? Or do I just want my time and money back!

6.  Un-box all the things!

I want to keep up the trend of unboxing things. Maybe run different subscription boxes each  month and hold a giveaway at the end of the month? Maybe do a bi-weekly Nerd Block? I haven't really nailed this down but one of the things I really love to do is give back to the people who take the time to watch my content. I like to un-box mystery boxes but find that I often don't really want the content inside so I would much rather give it to someone who will get use out of and really love the items.

5. Montage Videos

I play a lot of games, but I don't always have time to run a full walk through, or I just want to talk to my followers about what's going on in the gaming world at large. so I think that gaming montages are a great way to get that information out there. This way, the news I want to share is talked about and you can check out what I've been up to in games recently.

4. Get 5000 Subscribers on YouTube by the end of 2017

I managed to reach almost 500 subscribers on YouTube in just about 2 months. I didn't have any kind of plan or schedule, and I did a lot of giveaways (a trend I'll probably continue this year) so I'm hoping to really ramp up my viewership this year. 5000 is a lofty goal but I'm pretty sure that if I get my schedule down I can do it!

3. Get a Sub Button on Twitch

This is probably one of the hardest things on this list, and while I am not sure it can be done, I'm also not sure It CAN'T be done. Getting Partnered via a subscription button would be pretty cool and go a long way to solidifying my place in the streaming community so I'm going to give it a shot!

2. Family Vlogs? Pokemon Go Vlogs? Vlogs?

This goes a little bit hand in hand with my Number One goal for 2017. I play a ton of Pokemon Go and my kids just started playing too (they got phones and Pokemon Go Pluses for Christmas). I think that Vlogging our adventures would be a great way to share in an amazing community. I know there are a lot of Pokemon Go Vlogs out there and it will be hard to jump into the fray but I think as a family we may have a new perspective on things as late to the PoGo Vlog Game as we are.

and Finally...

1. Film in front of my Wife.

To understand this goal you have to know me a little bit. I am incredibly camera shy. Getting me to take a still photo is hard let alone filming video. I am very proud of the fact that I have managed to film videos for YouTube and post them and get the response I have so far, but I have not yet been able to be confident enough in myself to film in front of anyone. I have tried to film in front of my wife a few times and it has yet to be successful. I clam up and can't do it. So this is probably my Biggest, and most challenging goal for this year. It will require a lot of confidence in myself which I don't always find easy. 

Wish me luck!!

What are your goals or resolutions for 2017? Leave a comment below or reach out to me on social media (links are all in the sidebar!) and let me know!

*please note links found throughout this post are my affiliate links. I am not sponsored or in any way affiliated with Nintendo however purchases made though my affiliate links help to support this blog, and my Youtube channel.

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